Saturday, October 2, 2010


New topic this concept proposed by me:

Prime friend of a certain prime number is a numberwhich is exactly divisible by that prime number andleaves remainder 1, if it is divided by any naturalnumber from 2 to that number.

If N is the PRIME FRIEND of p (prime)N congruent 1 (mod n) where 2 less than or equals to n less than or equals to ( p – 1 )

N is exactly divisible by p

The least number which exhibits this property is taken as PRIME FRIEND

25201 is exactly divisible by 11 and It leaves remainder 1 when it isdivided by any natural number 2 to 10 including both .

Therefore 25201 is the prime friend of11. we

( I and two of my students Naga varun and deepak) have discovered prime friends upto 32 digited numberwe presented this paper in ALL INDIA MATH TEACHERS CONFERENCE

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